Breakfast Club
Join us for a nutritious and fun start to the school day! Our breakfast club is open from 8:00am, providing children with a tasty breakfast - a variety of cereals, or toast with spreads, fruit and milk. Breakfast is served until 8:30am and after that there is time to play with friends.
In the summer months, the children can use the front playground for an outdoor breakfast, or for outdoor play and team games. Each day we offer a range of play activities, as well as a chance for the children to chat and mix with children from other year groups. At the end of the session, the children are taken into their respective playgrounds in time to line up with their peers, ready for the start of the school day at 8:55am.
The charge for Breakfast Club is £4 per day, which must be booked in advance via Arbor
Children at Breakfast Club getting creative with some 'town planning'!