Servite Roman Catholic Primary School

The School Day

“You’re off to great places! Today is your day!

Your mountain is waiting, so…

get on your way!

– Dr. Seuss

From school lunches to packing away, our children know what is expected of them and thrive off routine!

Providing our pupils with a sense of structure to their day, allows them to conduct their learning with a sense of independence and an awareness of the wider school.

 The Start of the Day

“Start as you mean to go on”

We begin each day at 8.55 am (9.00am in the Nursery) with a morning prayer and the register. This allows the children some time to think about their expectations for the day ahead and what they would like to achieve before settling down to their learning, or heading to the morning assembly.  


We ensure that the children attend a Whole School Gospel Assembly, each Monday, in order to start the week on a positive note! It is also a chance to enter into a spiritual practise through prayer and song and set ourselves up for the week ahead.

Each term, classes organise and present an assembly to the rest of the school. These events will focus on current affairs, celebrations in the church calendar, or an insight into what they have been learning in class. These assemblies are always eagerly anticipated as lots of time and energy goes into them!

Children across the whole school also attend singing assemblies weekly, led by our Music teacher.

 Star of The Week

We like to come together on Friday mornings to celebrate the children’s achievements over the course of the week.

The Star of the Week assembly is a chance for us to recognise those who have made an extra special effort in class, have lent a helping hand or who have made progress in the days prior.

Parents are invited to join us on these special occasions and share in the children’s successes.


It is important for the children to recharge their batteries half way through the school day. We provide the children with a chance to socialise with their friends, get some fresh air and nibble on a healthy snack in the school playground before heading back to class for more lessons!


After prayer, the children come together to enjoy healthy meals in the school hall.

Once they have finished eating, they spend time outdoors making use of our equipment or enjoying planned activities with other children. It is an excellent opportunity for pupils to socialise outside of the classroom, all the while improving their communication skills!

If it is too rainy to venture into the playground, the children remain indoors, where they enjoy planned activities, board games or sometimes even a film!

The End of the Day

We take ten minutes at the end of each day to unwind and reflect.

The younger children will enjoy a story read by the class teacher, whereas the older children will take some time to read quietly to themselves and pack away, ready to leave promptly at 3:25 pm- or head downstairs to Extended Schools!

Subject Specialists

Four subject specialists will visit children in each Year Group once per week. We have Dance, PE, Art and Music teachers who work with the children to ensure that they are getting the best education in these particular areas. Each session lasts for an hour. 


School Opening Hours:

9.00 am-3.30 pm (Nursery and Reception)
8.55 am-3.25 am (Years 1-6)

Total Time children are in school in a typical week: 32.5 hours (including breaks)

In addition to the compulsory school day, the following is offered during term time:

Breakfast Club 8:00 am-8:55 am
After School Clubs 3:30pm-4:30 pm
Extended Schools 3:30-6:00 pm